1. What is your NewsRadio fandom "origin story"?
I was about 16 when the show premiered, and was excited to watch as I was a big fan of Phil from SNL, Dave from Kids in the Hall & knew Andy from The Ben Stiller Show.
2. What is your favorite memory related to NewsRadio?
The group of NewsRadio Dorks I've come to know over the internet since 2020. Also when I was working third shift in 2002/2003, I would unwind from work by watching an hour of episodes that would air on A&E at 8am at the time.
3. What are some of your favorite NewsRadio episodes?
Chock, Super Karate Monkey Death Car, Smoking, The Cane
4. What are some of your favorite moments from the show?
The opening scene Matthew prat falls. Jimmy's various schemes. Call and response of Jimmy saying a line from a song and Dave responding the next line. Toby Huss & Tone Loc as Junior & Lorenzo.
5. Do you own any NewsRadio episodes/seasons?
6. Do you own any NewsRadio merchandise, memorabilia, or artwork?
The Adequate shirt Jason Klamm came up with. A cast drawing Joe in Arizona drew. The fanfiction books Lauren Weston wrote.
7. Do you enjoy to NewsRadio related podcasts or videos?
Dispatches From Fort Awesome & The Hoodoo Factory
8. Would like to say to anything to anyone who helped make this magnificent show?
Thank you all for creating my all-time favourite show! Gazizza, my dilsnoofuses!
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