1. What is your NewsRadio fandom "origin story"?
I started watching after I finished the Kids in the Hall show my freshman year of college last year. It's a really good and sadly mostly forgotten sitcom so I'd like to celebrate it.
2. What is your favorite memory related to NewsRadio?
Watching it in my dorm room last year.
3. What are some of your favorite NewsRadio episodes?
Copy Machine, Halloween, Coda, President
4. What are some of your favorite moments from the show?
I have a bunch of various ones that I'm actually compiling right now
5. Do you own any NewsRadio episodes/seasons?YES!
6. Do you own any NewsRadio merchandise, memorabilia, or artwork?
My DVD of the first two seasons
7. Do you enjoy to NewsRadio related podcasts or videos?
Clips on YouTube from time to time
8. Would like to say to anything to anyone who helped make this magnificent show?
Love y'all!