KJ from Canada
1. What is your NewsRadio fandom "origin story"?
I was a fan early on. Since the beginning.
2. What is your favorite memory related to NewsRadio?
I got into radio after Newsradio went off air. After I got hired as Producer, I would treat all my interns like Bill treated everyone else in the office.
3. What are some of your favorite NewsRadio episodes?
Everybody loves a cane.
4. What are some of your favorite moments from the show?
Joe and Matthew goofing off at work was always good, Lisa getting turned by Dave making her mad, and anytime Catherine Duke was wearing short skirts.
5. Do you own any NewsRadio episodes/seasons?
6. Do you own any NewsRadio merchandise, memorabilia, or artwork?
I wish
7. Do you enjoy to NewsRadio related podcasts or videos?
Didn't know that there were any.
8. Would like to say to anything to anyone who helped make this magnificent show?
R.I.P. Phil Hartman.
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